american robin |
MERLE D'AMERIQUE Turdus migratorius American Robin Robín Americano
polished boxwood and metal < CE Invented specifically to speak to the birds in the western hemisphere. Available only in English.
black-billed cuckoo |
COULICOU A BEC NOIR Coccyzus erythrophthalmus Black-billed Cuckoo Cuco piquinegro
polished boxwood < CE Invented specifically to speak to the birds in the western hemisphere. Available only in English.
black-headed gull |
MOUETTE RIEUSE Larus ridibundus Black-Headed Gull Lachmöwe Gabbiano comune Gaviota reidora
maple and brass < CE
blackbird |
MERLE NOIR Turdus merula Blackbird Amsel Merlo nero Mirlo común
beech and metal < CE
blackbird |
MERLE NOIR Turdus merula Blackbird Amsel Merlo nero Mirlo común
rubber ~ CE
blue tit |
MESANGE BLEUE Parus carduelus Blue Tit Blaumeise Cinciarella Herrerillo común
metal with boxwood mouthpiece < A lovely song.
carrion crow |
CORNEILLE NOIRE Corvus corone corone Carrion crow Rabenkrähe Cornacchia nera Corneja negra
boxwood and brass, rubber ring <
chaffinch |
PINSON DES ARBRES Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch Buchfink Fringuello Pinzón vulgar
beech and metal <
cirl bunting - yellow hammer |
BRUANT ZIZI Emberiza cirlus Cirl Bunting -Yellow Hammer Zaunammer - Goldammer Zigolo nero Escribano soteño
polished boxwood and metal < with this bird-call I can also imitate other passerines which have a high-pitched call.
cuckoo |
COUCOU GRIS Cuculus canorus Cuckoo Kuckuck Cuculo Cuco
polished boxwood < CE Very simple to use, efficacious.
curlew |
COURLIS CENDRE (!) Numenius arquata Curlew Grosser brachvogel Chiurlo maggiore Zarapito real
metal and boxwood < CE with a little practise one can imitate many waders.
duck - mallard |
CANARD COLVERT Anas platyrhynchos Duck - Mallard Stockente Germano reale Ánade real o azulón (Pato
polished boxwood < CE it's amusing to imitate the duck for fun, harder to talk real duck language. recommended for the very young with a serious sense of humour.
garden & yellow warbler |
FAUVETTE DES JARDINS Sylvia borin Garden & Yellow Warbler Gartengrasmücke Beccafico Curruca mosquitera
polished wood and metal < CE as well as talking to the garden and yellow warblers, this bird-call permits an imitation of other songs and parts of songs of various passerines.
golden Plover |
PLUVIER DORE Pluvialis apricaria (!) Golden Plover Goldregenpfeifer Piviere dorato Chorlito dorado
métal - metal <
goldfinch |
CHARDONNERET ELEGANT Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch Stieglitz Cardelino Jilguero
polished boxwood and brass < CE
great tit |
MESANGE CHARBONNIERE Parus major Great Tit Kohlmeise Cinciallegra Carbonero común
metal with boxwood mouthpiece < CE a most attractive bird-call for a bird that we find everywhere.
green woodpecker |
PIC VERT Picus viridis Green Woodpecker Grünspecht Picchio verde Pito real
boxwood, beech and rubber ~
hazel hen |
GELINOTTE DES BOIS (!) Bonasa bonasia Hazel Hen Haselhuhn Francolino di monte Grévol
metal and wood <
hoopoe |
HUPPE FASCIEE Upupa epops Hoopoe Wiedehopf Upupa Abubilla
érable poli - polished maple < CE
house sparrow |
MOINEAU DOMESTIQUE Passer domesticus House Sparrow Haussperling Passera europea Gorrión común
leather and metal ~
jay |
GEAI DES CHENES Garrulus glandarius Jay Eichelhäher Ghiandaia Arrendajo o gayo
metal < Use it forcefully, it can frighten the starlings who eat your cherries - a vocal scarecrow.
lapwing |
VANNEAU HUPPE Vanellus vanellus Lapwing Kiebitz Pavoncella Avefría europea
polished boxwood < CE
linnet |
LINOTTE MELODIEUSE Carduelis cannabina Linnet Bluthänfling Fanello Pardillo común
boxwood and metal <
little owl |
CHOUETTE CHEVECHE Athene noctua Little Owl Steinkauz Civetta Mochuelo común
polished boxwood < CE perfect for the little " kiew ".
little ringer plover |
PETIT GRAVELOT Charadrius dubuis little ringer plover Flussregenpfeifer pequeño chorlito
long-eared owl |
LONG-EARED OWL Asio otus Hibou Moyen Duc Waldohreule Gufo comune Ransuil - en hollandais Buho chico
varnished beech and lime tree – to blow – CE A very sound bird-call to be used with precaution not to disturb the species. The long-eared owl is present on all Europe. The species is protected.
moorhen |
POULE D'EAU Gallinula chloropus Moorhen Teichhuhn Gallinella d'acqua Polla de agua / Polla gris / Pollona negra / Gallareta / Tiqui / Taca-taca o gallineta
polished boxwood < CE this model, very resonant, can produce the brief, piercing cry of the moorhen, with experience it is possible to imitate the " kef " of the coot.
moorhen |
POULE D'EAU Gallinula chloropus Moorhen Teichhuhn Gallinella d'acqua Polla de agua / Polla gris / Pollona negra / Gallareta / Tiqui / Taca-taca o gallineta
metal, wood and rubber ~
nightingale |
ROSSIGNOL PHILOMELE Luscinia megarhynchos Nightingale Nachtigall Rusignolo Ruiseñor común
metal and wood ~ CE A bird call very simple to play, it is sufficient to turn the wood and the song of the nightingale friction occurs against the metal.
nuthatch |
SITTELLE TORCHEPOT Sitta europaea Nuthatch Kleiber Picchio muratore Trepador azul
varnished boxwood and brass ball < CE
partridge |
PERDRIX GRISE (!) Perdix perdix Partridge Rebhuhn Starna Perdiz pardilla
metal <
pheasant |
FAISAN (!) Phasianus colchicus Pheasant Jagdfasan Fagiano Faisán vulgar
quail |
CAILLE DES BLES (!) Coturnix coturnrix Quail Watchel Quaglia Codomiz
leather and metal ~
red-legged partridge |
PERDRIX ROUGE (!) Alectoris rufa Red-legged Partridge Rothuhn Pernice rossa Perdiz roja
wood, metal and rubber ~
redshank |
CHEVALIER GAMBETTE Tringa totanus Redshank Rotschenkel Pettegola Archibebe común
wood, metal and rubber ~
redstart |
ring ouzel |
robin |
ROUGEGORGE FAMILIER Erithacus rubecula Robin Rotkehlchen Pettirosso Petirrojo
metal and wood ~ CE A bird call very simple to play, it is sufficient to turn the wood and the song of the robin friction occurs against the metal.
rock dove |
PIGEON BIZET Columba livia Rock Dove Felsentaube Piccione selvatico Paloma bravía
beech <
serin |
SERIN CINI Serinus serinus Serin Girlitz Vercellino Verdecillo
varnished boxwood and brass < CE
skylark |
ALOUETTE DES CHAMPS Alauda arvensis Skylark Feldlerche Lodola Alondra común
boxwood and metal < CE I like this bird call because it adapts perfectly to the different songs of the skylark ( in flight,...)
snipe |
BECASSINE DES MARAIS (!) Gallinago gallinago Snipe Bekassine Beccaccino Agachadiza común
leather and metal ~
starling |
ETOURNEAU SANSONNET Sturnus vulgaris Starling Star Storno Estornino pinto
rubber and brass ~ too easy to use. provides a perfect imitation of the twittering of starlings, especially in the dormitory.
swallow |
HIRONDELLE RUSTIQUE - DE CHEMINEE Hirundo rustica Swallow Rauchschwalbe Rondine Golondria común
polished beech <
swift |
MARTINET NOIR Apus apus Swift Mauersegler Rondone Vencejo común
metal <
tawny owl |
CHOUETTE HULOTTE Strix aluco Tawny Owl Waldkauz Alloco Cárabo commún
polished boxwood < CE The Tawny Owl is the only Owl present on every continent on the planet.
tengmalm's (boreal) owl |
BOREAL OWL Aegolius funereus Chouette de Tengmalm mochuelo boreal Tengmalm-Eule
tern / common tern |
STERNE PIERREGARIN Sterna hirundo tern / common tern Fluss-Seeschwalbe Charrán Común
thrush |
GRIVE MUSICIENNE (!) Turdus philomelos Song Thrush Singdrossel Tordo Zorzal común
metal, wood and rubber ~ CE
thrush |
GRIVE MUSICIENNE (!) Turdus philomelos Song Thrush Singdrossel Tordo Zorzal común
polished boxwood and metal < CE
turtle dove |
TOURTERELLE DES BOIS Streptopelia turtur (!) Turtle Dove Turteltaube Tortora Tórtola común
varnished beech < CE easy to use, it is possible to imitate other doves and almost pigeons.
woodcock |
BECASSE DES BOIS (!) Scolopax rusticola Woodcock Waldschnepfe Beccaccia Chocha perdiz / Becada / Sorda / y Gallinuela
polished boxwood and metal ball <
yellow and white wagtail |
BERGERONNETTE PRINTANIERE Motacilla flava Yellow and White Wagtail Schafstelze-Bachstelze Cutrettola-Ballerina bianca Lavandera boyera-blanca
boxwood and metal < CE